A British tabloid newspaper published a photo of Michael Phelps smoking dope. Phelps acknowledged the authenticity of the photo and apologized for his behavior. He was quoted as saying "I engaged in behavior which was regrettable and demonstrated bad judgment. I'm 23 years old and despite the successes I've had in the pool, I acted in a youthful and inappropriate way, not in a manner people have come to expect from me. For this, I am sorry. I promise my fans and the public it will not happen again."
This just goes to show that no matter how successful and inspirational Phelps has been, deep down he is a stupid 23 year old pot head. The only saving grace is his maturity to admit it. However, I can't help but wonder if he would have been so apologetic for his actions if he was never caught!
Who cares about a young guy who goes to a party and does what most 23 year olds do...besides he doesn't have any major impact on our lives...while we lived for 8 years with a President who acted like he was loaded the majority of the time and the American people barely blinked or got off their apathy to stop what has gone down and brought this country to an economic crisis. Thank God that at least 54% of us woke up from the nightmare. Phelps will grow up and be fine. Bush never will.
ReplyDeletePot should be legal. Period. Alcohol on the other hand ....
ReplyDeleteIt's so funny to me how people just love to hate on someone... He won 8 gold medals who cares if he gets high out of his mind as long as he keeps winning
ReplyDeleteOh, for gods sake. If he was doping on steroids like every other player, or carrying a weapon, cocain, much harder drugs, like our "Hero role models" of sports, I could see it. But a little weed? The kid probably hasn't had a minute to himself since he was 12! Swimming is a 12 month, 7 day sport. unlike others that get a break. You wan't to do a story on drugs & drinking? The Boston Police, and fire department are full of them.
ReplyDeleteDo you really think he'll keep on winning if he goes out of his mind say on meth??? Don't think so. Stupid is as stupid does.
ReplyDeleteLiving just outside of Boston, I certainly second that statement about drugs, alcohol in those departments. Just check the papers going back months/weeks, etc. Phelps worked very hard to be where he is - though weed is not legal yet - cut him some slack - many of our politicians have admitted enjoying it.
ReplyDeleteHey, "stupid is as stupid does!" When did meth enter the conversation? If you're suggesting that a bong load inevitably turns into a devastating meth addiction... The only response I can think of is a mind-numbingly meaningless phrase I kept hearing in some movie about a simpleton. I think it's something like... "stupid is as stupid does." Move out of your trailer park, dude. Most of the country AREN'T meth-addled lowlifes. Plenty of functional pot smokers though. And most of them haven't turned into Ted Haggard.