With the current employment trend being less than positive,
do you think it is better to leave a job in order to search for that which will make you happy or stay knowing you will have that pay check but not be so happy?
This is a complicated issue. First, the first question to be answered is: Are most people at the company reasonably happy with the work environment? If the answer is "yes" then leaving won't help as the problem is you (if this pertains to you, personally). Next, if you are in a job you definately can't stand, no amount of security or money is worth it. People become prisoners to the paycheck and literally destroy their lives and happiness just so they can make the payments on the luxury car they shouldn't have bought to begin with, etc... If you can handle the shock to the system and accept less money (if it comes to that) for the next job, you will find greater happiness in not only the job, but a simpler lifestyle.
This is a complicated issue. First, the first question to be answered is: Are most people at the company reasonably happy with the work environment? If the answer is "yes" then leaving won't help as the problem is you (if this pertains to you, personally). Next, if you are in a job you definately can't stand, no amount of security or money is worth it. People become prisoners to the paycheck and literally destroy their lives and happiness just so they can make the payments on the luxury car they shouldn't have bought to begin with, etc... If you can handle the shock to the system and accept less money (if it comes to that) for the next job, you will find greater happiness in not only the job, but a simpler lifestyle.