This weekend was my home town's annual fair. In the past there has been a circus and exotic animals such as a brother and sister black panther pair, ring tail lemurs, tortoises, kangaroos, etc... Though I wish these animals could have more space to roam, they all seemed in good health and there were lots of opportunity to educate the masses about these animals. So when I heard that a group of tigers and a lion was going to be at the fair I was excited. How wrong I was!
There was about nine tigers maybe more since I didn't count and one lion. All were housed in cramp cages with just enough room to lye down and turn around in. Then the presenters were nothing less than cheap Las Vegas rip offs waiving sticks at the animals and making them stand up on their back legs. Then to make matters worse, the lion was forced to stand upon a tripod of sorts while the tigers walked underneath the graceful lion to the tune of the old nursery rhyme song London Bridge.
This event was nothing less than emotional torture. Sure, these beautiful creatures looked in good physical condition but having to do such stupid tricks is degrading. I support animals being in sanctuaries and zoos because their homes are being taking away and are murdered daily by poachers. I also support animals traveling in fairs as educational ambassadors but NOT AS ACTORS IN A CHEAP TRICKS SHOW. Instead of doing what these idiots did, they could have housed the tigers and lion in a large enclosure equipped with a variety of stimulating landscape such as ropes, trees, caves, water pool etc... Then while people count their blessings for being able to simply observe, educators could be at hand to explain the big cats' current plight at survival and being a severely endangered animal. Instead, over one hundred people huddled around and clapped as the animals performed stupid pet tricks.
Which leads me to the following conclusion about animal welfare - as long as people come, animals will always continue to be exploited.
And my solution to this is simple, stop the exploitation of animals in circus and fair environments. Instead, provide suitable habitats to stimulate their senses and let them teach us humans as ambassadors of nature. It really is that simple.
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