Monday, April 6, 2009

Letter to Obama - America Arrogant?

How dare you declare to the European Nations that America is arrogant. And to make matters worse, you have the audacity to apologize for the past eight years and even went so far as to say how embarrassed you are for President Bush's reign.

I know you are not reading this Mr. President but I feel the need to remind you that it took President Bush eight years to create a trillion dollar deficit. In just over three months you created over 3 trillion! And like it or not, President Bush kept this country safe for eight years. Yes there are a lot of things that could have been done differently. But in the end, Bush always put the country first. He did not feel the need to kiss Europe's back side and try and make everyone like us. Maybe you could start doing the same as our American President instead of trying to make yourself the most popular politician on Earth...

1 comment:

  1. Hmmm...not sure that I agree, but I see your point.
