Sunday, April 26, 2009

Fat People Do Not Cause Global Warming!

How dare these so called scientists on global warming conclude that fat people are the cause for our plant's heat wave. Not so long ago, these scientist were saying that cow farts were to blame. Now they moved their attention on us over weight people. The article I read states that we are destroying our planet because we tend to walk less and ride cars more. And because we might eat more than thinner individuals, our average consumption is higher. On an individual health issue, I understand these points. The more we eat, the more waste we may create. But to put the blame on us for global warming - come on!!! What have these scientists been smoking!!!

Have you noticed that every time a news outlet releases an article possibly debunking global warming, scientists come up with a new angle to scare the populous that we are all going to burn. Before I saw this article blaming fat people, I read how Antarctica is in fact growing, not melting. Yes, parts of the ice shelf is disappearing in the Eastern region, but the Western area is growing. Here is the real fact: there is no real concrete proof global warming is happening because of humans! Sure there's a wealth of evidence showing the deterioration of land thanks to human encroachment which results in the endangerment of wildlife. But the whole idea of global warming is a theory just like aliens. And scientists will continue to scare the hell out of us so long as it gets them noticed...and guess what, it is working!

1 comment:

  1. What we in Idaho are going through is NOT global warming.....I haven't seen it this cold here or deep in snow since I was a child....and if it will help any I'll feed this whole family beans three times a day......this morning..July 9 was so chilly I needed my woolies.....Let them convince ME......
    Good day..
    Lori Howell
