Thursday, March 5, 2009

Ode to Jazzy

Less than a year ago, I brought home an African Soft Fur Rat that I named Jazzy J. I adopted her from the pet store I occasionally work at which was in the process of relocating. Jazzy was at the pet store for quite awhile and I guessed her age at around one year old. Very little is available about ASF Rats. Most of the information found on the Internet focus around these adorable little critters as being a popular food source for snakes. In fact, Jazzy's specie has only been in the pet industry for just a few years.

Over the past decade or so, I've had three pet rats, two hamsters, at least a half dozen mice and two guinea pigs. Jazzy was the first ASF Rat I've had and let me tell you she was great. She was the size of a dwarf hamster with the personality and tenderness of a pet rat. At first she was very timid, but after only three months she was responding to her name and taking yogurt drops from my hand.

The one down side to having little critters as pets is their short life span. About a week ago I noticed Jazzy wasn't herself in that she wasn't responding quickly to me voice and not eating much. Four days ago I attempted to give her a yogurt drop and she only took a few dibbles. That same evening, I found her curled up in her bed and she did not wake up. She stayed that way for the past four days almost in a coma state. I was trying to be optimistic by thinking she was hibernating or something. After all, it is winter and she's from Africa. But this morning I found that she passed on. I know it was for the best but it still sucks (sorry for the language but it's the truth). The only consolation is that for the brief time I knew her, Jazzy was a lot of fun and a good friend.

Good bye Jazzy, I'll miss you and god speed.

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