Sunday, May 11, 2008

Hillary Clinton: You Go Girl...

Ever since the latest primary results, the outcry for Hillary Clinton's withdrawal of her run for President has increased ten fold. But she had stayed firm that she will not quit until all the State's have had their vote. Love her or hate her...agree or disagree...there is no denying that Clinton's actions are refreshing and a good example for all young people today. It is so easy to quit when things are not going your way. It is so easy to just forget about doing something because you may fail. It is so easy to turn your attention to those who seem to be a sure thing and shun those who may not be on top. But sometimes taking the easy road is not a very good example for our children. Sometimes it is better to not quit and keep going even if success is doubtful. This is what Hillary is doing now and in my opinion makes her more powerful then any other politician currently in the spot light.

1 comment:

  1. You have to admire Hillary for staying in the race despite pressure to withdraw. I am disappointed in some of those people who our telling her to quite, what kind of example are they trying to set. Vote for Hillary clearly she is our safest choice. Dont listen to the media they have been baised towards her. look into her website to learn more about her agendas
