Tuesday, August 7, 2007


I'm Back!!!!

It's been a while since I've posted anything. But that's about to change and I will do my best to continue posting my opinions about whatever I feel like! After all that is our most valuable and honored freedom of being an American. And I am going to start with a posting regarding the awful bridge tragedy of last week.

It took this horrific event to get the news conglomerates to start looking into our country's failing infrastructure. Everywhere you look there's crumbling and less than safe bridges and roads as well as buildings not up to safety codes. Why does it take the tragedy of loss to human life to get the news to cover this problem?

I think it is about time we all do our part to start correcting this problem by writing to our local government officials and let them know this is a priority. It's time to let those in charge know it is time to start thinking about ourselves and not those countries who won't stand up for themselves and solve their own problems. It is time to take responsibility for our mistakes and begin to fix them before more events of last week occur again.

What do you think?

1 comment:

  1. I think some of the coverage has been very interesting. One of the news agencies said if we weren't spending money in Iraq, we could be spending that money fixing our bridges.

    The problem is, many states have money to fix their bridges and other structures. However, the state government decides there are other priorities that need the money more. For example, they are building a new stadium in Minneapolis. The new stadium is estimated to cost around $740 million plus. This bridge could have been replaced with a lot less money than that. However, the elected officials in Minneapolis and Minnesota decided they would rather have a stadium.

    So if we didn't spend the money in Iraq, why do we think our elected officials would spend the money on our roads and bridges?
